
Saves a copy of changes made to the open publication and appends those changes to the original file.

Command constructor


Automatic minisave. PageMaker automatically appends any changes to the open publication whenever the plug-in, script, or user moves to another page, clicks the current page icon, prints, copies, inserts or deletes a page, or changes the page setup.

File size control. The PMiniSave command can save changes to the publication, while still allowing PageMaker to undo those changes entirely with the PRevert command. However, each time PageMaker executes the PMiniSave command, the publication file grows. The file also grows with each use of the PSave command. To compress the publication to its smallest size, use PSaveAs .

Selected objects deselected. The PMiniSave command deselects any selected objects. It does not, however, deselect highlighted text (text selected with the text tool or PTextSelect command).



See also

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Save As

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Revert

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